The City of Women
Author: Ruth Landes
ISBN: 9780826315564
First published in 1947, the second edition ofThe City of Womenwas published in 1994 with a new Introduction by anthropologist Sally Cole. That second edition is now available again after being out of print for several years. "[The City of Women] works on many levels: it is a study ofcandomblé, the Afro-Brazilian religion of Bahia, of the role of women incandomblé, and of race relations in Brazil. . . .The City of Womenhas much to offer anyone interested in Brazilian history, comparative race and gender relations, the history of anthropology, and the relationships between researcher and subject in anthropology and oral history. . . . "Because of the importance of women in traditionalcandomblé, this Afro-Brazilian religion was incompatible with patriarchy. Possession by the gods, the central component of the religious practice, was the domain of women: men supported thecandomblétemples financially, but did not run them. . . . "The City of Womenought to be on the 'must read' list of
Publisher: UNM Press
Publish Date: 1947
Subjects: History / Latin America / South America, Religion / General, Religion / Ethnic & Tribal, Social Science / Women's Studies
This book is available in the following Community Centers: Women's Center (Location: Anthropology)