Visions of Women
Being a Fascinating Anthology with Analysis of Philosophers’ Views of Women from Ancient to Modern Times
Author: Linda A. Bell
ISBN: 089603044X
People of Socrates' time were frequently aghast at the questions he would ask. Their responses were of the sort elicited by very dumb or ex tremely obvious questions: "Don't you know? Everyone else does. " Socrates was hardly alone in his knack for asking such questions. Phi losophers have always asked peculiar questions most other people would never dream of asking, convinced as the latter are that the answers were settled long ago in the collective "wisdom" of society, including ques tions about woman: should women be educated? should they rule socie ties? should they be subordinate in marriage? do women and men have the same virtues, or are there separate virtues for each? which of the dif ferences between women and men are conventional, and which are natu ral? is there a woman's work? do women and men have different types or degrees of rationality? Philosophers of the most diverse periods have raised these questions and their answers were often quite creative, not merely reflecting
Publisher: Humana Press
Publish Date: 1983-10-03
Subjects: Philosophy / General, Philosophy / Ethics & Moral Philosophy
This book is available in the following Community Centers: Women's Center (Location: Philosophy)