Gender politics and post-communism

reflections from eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union

Author: Nanette Funk
ISBN: 9780415904780

In the wake of communism's decline, women's concerns have become increasingly important in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union. The issue of abortion, for example, has been bitterly contested in virtually all the countries. Women's role in Eastern European societies has been central to the post-communist restructuring, yet most discussions of post-communist changes have neglected women's experiences.Gender Politics and Post-Communism is the first collection of its kind, presenting original essays by women scholars, politicians, activists, and former dissidents from Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union. They discuss gender politics during the often turbulent transition and crises of post-communism, offering vivid accounts and analyses of the conditions facing women in each country. These essays provide the philosophical, economic, historical, cultural, and sociological contexts needed to understand women's position and the possibilities for women's activities in post-commun

Publisher: Routledge
Publish Date: 1993

Subjects: History / Europe / Eastern, Social Science / General, Social Science / Feminism & Feminist Theory, Social Science / Women's Studies

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