Women and Elective Office: Past, Present, and Future
Author: Sue Thomas
Secondary Author: Clyde Wilcox
ISBN: 9780195180831
Since the publication of the first edition of this book, former U.S. Senator Carol Moseley Braun's campaign for the presidency in 2004 and the widespread discussion of a run in 2008 by Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton have significantly raised the profile of women on the national political stage. At the same time, progress in electing women to the U.S. Congress and state legislatures has stalled. The essays in Women and Elective Office: Past, Present and Future, which feature research on women as political candidates and officeholders, address this paradox. Recruitment patterns, media portrayals, and voter reactions to women candidates are analyzed along with the impact of women in office relative to the challenges they face. The 2nd edition includes increased coverage of women on the congressional level, women officeholders of color, and analysis of women parliamentarians worldwide. In total, Women and Elective Office offers a comprehensive look at the experiences and influence of women
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Publish Date: 2005-07-26
Subjects: Social Science / Women's Studies, Political Science / Political Process / General
This book is available in the following Community Centers: Women's Center (Location: Politics/Human Rights)