The Political interests of gender

developing theory and research with a feminist face

Author: Kathleen B. Jones
Secondary Author: Anna G. Jónasdóttir
ISBN: 080398085X

The Political Interests of Gender starts from the premise that contemporary political theory is inadequate when approached from the perspective of gender. The book indicts contemporary political analysis for its silence about or ignorance of women's interests, and challenges the hypothesis that the central concepts of political thought and its basic techniques are value neutral. The contributors go on to consider what political theory and political communities would look like if women's interestes were addressed. The aim is to reconstruct the methodology of political analysis to conceptualize political reality in terms of gender. The book presents a powerful argument that to conside

Publisher: Sage
Publish Date: 1988

Subjects: Social Science / Women's Studies, Law / Gender & the Law, Political Science / General

This book is available in the following Community Centers: Women's Center (Location: Politics/Human Rights)