99 to 1

How Wealth Inequality is Wrecking the World and what We Can Do about it

Author: Chuck Collins
ISBN: 9781609945923

- Brings together for the first time facts and figures showing exactly what "the 99% and the 1%' divide means in the real world and the damage it causes- Identifies the social and historical forces that created and perpetuate this divide - Offers concrete proposals for closing the inequality gapFor over thirty years, we've lived through a radical redistribution of wealth - upward, to a tiny fraction of the population. It's as though we're undertaking a bizarre social experiment to see how much inequality a democratic society can tolerate. As a result "We are the 99%," the rallying cry of the Occupy movement, has spread far beyond its ranks. But who are the 99 percent? Who are the 1 percent? How extensive and systematic is inequality throughout society? What are its true causes and consequences? How is inequality changing in our world? And what can be done about it? For many years Chuck Collins has been a leading voice and activist on these questions. In this book he marshals wide-rangi

Publisher: Berrett-Koehler Publishers
Publish Date: 2012

Subjects: Political Science / Political Economy, Political Science / Public Policy / Economic Policy, Social Science / Social Classes

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