Gendering the Recession
Media and Culture in an Age of Austerity
Author: Diane Negra
Secondary Author: Yvonne Tasker
ISBN: 9780822356967
This timely, necessary collection of essays provides feminist analyses of a recession-era media culture characterized by the reemergence and refashioning of familiar gender tropes, including crisis masculinity, coping women, and postfeminist self-renewal. Interpreting media forms as diverse as reality television, financial journalism, novels, lifestyle blogs, popular cinema, and advertising, the contributors reveal gendered narratives that recur across media forms too often considered in isolation from one another. They also show how, with a few notable exceptions, recession-era popular culture promotes affective normalcy and transformative individual enterprise under duress while avoiding meaningful critique of the privileged white male or the destructive aspects of Western capitalism. By acknowledging the contradictions between political rhetoric and popular culture, and between diverse screen fantasies and lived realities, Gendering the Recession helps to make sense of our postboom
Publisher: Duke University Press
Publish Date: 2014-03-05
Subjects: Social Science / Media Studies, Social Science / Gender Studies, Performing Arts / Television / History & Criticism
This book is available in the following Community Centers: Women's Center (Location: Class/Economics)