What Marriage Really Means for Women
Author: Susan Maushart
ISBN: 9781582342764
Men get one thing from marriage that women never do: They get wives.Wifework is a fiercely argued, in-depth look at the inequitable division of labor between husbands and wives. Bolstering her own personal experience as a twice-married mother of three with substantial research and broad statistical evidence, Susan Maushart explores the theoretical and evolutionary reasons behind marriage inequality. She forces us to consider why 50 per cent of marriages end in divorce, and why women are responsible for initiating three-quarters of them. If family life is worth saving, and Maushart passionately believes it is, the job description for wives will have to be rewritten.
Publisher: Bloomsbury Publishing USA
Publish Date: 2003-03-06
Subjects: Family & Relationships / Marriage, Family & Relationships / Marriage & Long Term Relationships, Social Science / Women's Studies
This book is available in the following Community Centers: Women's Center (Location: Employment)