Women Don't Ask
Negotiation and the Gender Divide
Author: Linda Babcock
Secondary Author: Sara Laschever
ISBN: 069108940X
When Linda Babcock asked why so many male graduate students were teaching their own courses and most female students were assigned as assistants, her dean said: "More men ask. The women just don't ask." It turns out that whether they want higher salaries or more help at home, women often find it hard to ask. Sometimes they don't know that change is possible--they don't know that they can ask. Sometimes they fear that asking may damage a relationship. And sometimes they don't ask because they've learned that society can react badly to women asserting their own needs and desires. By looking at the barriers holding women back and the social forces constraining them, Women Don't Ask shows women how to reframe their interactions and more accurately evaluate their opportunities. It teaches them how to ask for what they want in ways that feel comfortable and possible, taking into account the impact of asking on their relationships. And it teaches all of us how to recognize the ways in which
Publisher: Princeton University Press
Publish Date: 2003-09-22
Subjects: Business & Economics / Negotiating
This book is available in the following Community Centers: Women's Center (Location: Communication)