Women on Power

Leadership Redefined

Author: Sue Joan Mendelson Freeman
Secondary Author: Susan Carolyn Bourque
ISBN: 9781555534783

Women have made enormous strides into the professional workplace over the last two decades, yet few have assumed leadership roles in the higher ranks of predominately male occupations: business, politics, the professions, and sport. This pioneering collection by experts in a variety of disciplines combines theoretical discussions with historical and contemporary case studies to offer a fresh vista on how gender has influenced and redefined today's notions of leadership and power. The provocative essays cover a broad range of topics, including the Boston Women's Health Book Collective, global perspectives on women's environmental activism, mothering as a catalyst to social activism, and women in the enclaves of veterinary medicine and sports.

Publisher: Northeastern University Press
Publish Date: 2001

Subjects: Political Science / Political Process / Leadership, Social Science / Women's Studies

This book is available in the following Community Centers: Women's Center (Location: Women's Studies)