Rethinking Masculinity

Philosophical Explorations in Light of Feminism

Author: Larry May
Secondary Author: Robert A. Strikwerda
ISBN: 9780847682577

Are men naturally aggressive? What makes a good father? How can men form intimate friendships? In the new edition of this popular anthology, seventeen philosophers explore these and other questions that relate to what it means to be a man, including questions about pornography and homosexuality. New essays look at masculinity and violence, research on differences between men's and women's brains, impotence, sexual ambiguity, and whether black men have a moral duty to marry black women.

Publisher: Rowman & Littlefield
Publish Date: 1996-01-01

Subjects: Social Science / Ethnic Studies / African American Studies, Social Science / Men's Studies, Social Science / Women's Studies

This book is available in the following Community Centers: Women's Center (Location: Men/Masculinities)