
Voices of Conscience

Author: Ann Wright
Secondary Author: Susan L. Dixon
ISBN: 9780977333844

During the run-up to the Iraq War, Col. Ann Wright wrestled with her conscience. She was deputy ambassador to a Central Asian Republic, culminating 29 years of military service, including 20 as a State Department diplomat, but for the first time she was unable to uphold a US policy. She saw clearly that the invasion would aid terrorism and make us less secure; and as an act of conscience, she submitted her resignation to Secretary of State Powell. This is her story and the story of 24 others in government -- FBI agents, Justice Department attorneys, National Security Analysts, Diplomats, Active-Duty Military, and others who have spoken out against the war. These dissenters are loyal to the Constitution and transcend partisan politics. With careers, reputations, and personal safety on the line, they still spoke out against the administration's lies and cover-ups. They share the willingness to stand up and speak truth to power. By exposing policies and actions that are counter to the int

Publisher: Koa Books
Publish Date: 2008

Subjects: Political Science / Civics & Citizenship

This book is available in the following Community Centers: Women's Center (Location: Military/War)