Women in the military

an unfinished revolution

Author: Jeanne Holm
ISBN: 9780891414506

This revised edition of Maj. Gen. Jeanne Holm's classic work on the history and role of women in the U.S. armed forces brings the reader up to date by covering the role of American military women in all post-Vietnam military operations - including the recent Persian Gulf war. Just as important is her discussion of the changing role of women in the military during the 1980s and the current debate over combat exclusion law and policies. From the day Molly Pitcher fired her cannon without congressional sanction at the Battle of Monmouth in 1778 until 1948, when women were accorded full legal status in the regular armed services, the military was viewed as a wholly masculine preserve. During the Revolution and Civil War, women were forced to disguise themselves as men in order to gain access to the ranks. The fight against the "built-in institutional resistance of the tradition-bound military subculture" is a large part of General Holm's story. Women's battle for status and recognition is

Publisher: Presidio Press
Publish Date: 1992

Subjects: History / Military / General, Political Science / General

This book is available in the following Community Centers: Women's Center (Location: Military/War)