
the undeclared war against American women

Author: Susan Faludi
ISBN: 9780385425070

Winner of the National Book Critics Circle award for nonfiction, this controversial, thought-provoking, and timely book is "as groundbreaking as Simone de Beauvoir's The "Second Sex" and Betty Friedan's "The Feminine Mystique."" -- "Newsweek." "The backlash against women is real. This is the book we need to help us understand it, to struggle through the battle fatigue, and to keep going." -- Alice Walker. "Withering commentary... This eloquent, brilliantly argued book should be read by everyone concerned with gender equality." -- "Publishers Weekly." "Backlash is the right book at exactly the right time... This trenchant, passoinate, and lively book should be an eye-opener even for feminists who thought they understood what has been going on." -- "Los Angeles Times Book Review"

Publisher: Anchor Books
Publish Date: 1992

Subjects: Anti-feminism, Feminism - United States - Public opinion, Feminism - United States, Feminism/ United States, Feminism/ United States/ Public opinion, Feminism, Public opinion - United States, Public opinion/ United States, Public opinion, Women - Psychology, Women - United States - Social conditions, Women, Political Science / Public Affairs & Administration, Psychology / General, Social Science / Feminism & Feminist Theory, Social Science / Sociology / General, Social Science / Women's Studies, Social Science / Gender Studies

This book is available in the following Community Centers: Women's Center (Location: Feminism)