Frontline feminism 1975-1995

essays from Sojourner's first 20 years

Author: Karen Kahn
ISBN: 9781879960428

Sojourner: The Women's Forum is one of the oldest and largest women's newspapers in the country. "[Kahn] has selected from twenty years' worth of hard thinking to build layer on layer of consciousness-raising. . . . She has assembled documents of feminist agony and anger, lessons women have learned and forgotten and had to learn again."- The Women's Review of Books

Publisher: Aunt Lute Books
Publish Date: 1995-07-01

Subjects: Feminism/ New England/ History/ 20th century, Feminism/ United States/ History/ 20th century, Feminism, Sojourner (Cambridge, Mass.), Women/ United States/ History/ 20th century, Women, Social Science / Feminism & Feminist Theory, Social Science / Women's Studies

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