The American Woman, 1999-2000

A Century of Change--what's Next?

Author: Cynthia Butler Costello
Secondary Author: Shari E. Miles
ISBN: 9780393318623

It looks back at the progress, and setbacks, of women during the past century, as well as looking ahead to the challenges of the future. Former Secretary of Commerce juanita Kreps and her daughter Sarah, open the book with personal perspectives on growing up female in America. Sarah Evans provides a history of the women's movement, including their assimilation into the work force, the rise of feminism, the influence of the Civil Rights movement, and the fight for equal opportunity in the labour force. Shorter essays include Vicki Crawford amd Margarita Benitez discussing the experiences of African American and Hispanic women, and Sonia Jarvis examines the major judicial and legislative decisions that have shaped women's rights. As always, WREI concludes with a comprehensive statistical portrait of American women today.

Publisher: Norton
Publish Date: 1998

Subjects: Social Science / Women's Studies

This book is available in the following Community Centers: Women's Center (Location: Feminism)