The Movement Toward Gender Equality
Author: Diana Wells
ISBN: 9780786700141
Outrage, anger, reason, triumph, humor, courage, scorn, resilience, commitment, passionate resolve - they all converge in this provocative anthology of recent writings by twenty-eight foremost American feminists. Getting There traces the rocky, uneven, often controversial course of the women's movement toward a reality of gender equality. The women included in this volume - the doctors, lawyers, journalists, historians, poets, anthropologistsexamine the cultural myths that for decades have defined the roles of American women and perpetuated the fact of their inequality. They investigate the issues of rape, abortion, pornography, child custody, health care, and sexual harassment. They explore injustices. They consider, too, the significant advances that women have made in recent years toward equalizing their social, economic, and political opportunities. By reinventing themselves and redefining their gender, as Getting There shows, women in the 1990s are creating new models for women, a
Publisher: Carroll & Graf/R. Gallen
Publish Date: 1994
This book is available in the following Community Centers: Women's Center (Location: Feminism)