A Sor Juana Anthology

Author: Sister Juana Inés de la Cruz
Secondary Author: Alan S. Trueblood
ISBN: 9780674821217

Juana Inés de la Cruz was acclaimed in her time as the "Phoenix of Mexico", America's tenth muse; a generation later she was forgotten. Rediscovered 300 years later, her works were reissued and she is now considered one of the finest Hispanic poets of the seventeenth century. Her works speak directly to our concern for the freedom of women to realize themselves artistically and intellectually. This anthology contains a selection of her poems.

Publisher: Harvard University Press
Publish Date: 1988

Subjects: Literary Criticism / General, Literary Criticism / Caribbean & Latin American, Performing Arts / General, Reference / General

This book is available in the following Community Centers: Women's Center (Location: Poetry)