Women of Color and the Multicultural Curriculum

Transforming the College Classroom

Author: Liza Fiol-Matta
Secondary Author: Mariam Chamberlain
ISBN: 9781558610835

   The product of 13 curriculum projects that involved several hundred educators nationwide, this volume provides faculty and administrators with a guide to multicultural curricular change-especially with respect to women. While women represent over half of the college students on campus, they are still represented only minimally in the allegedly "mainstream" curriculum. Women of color are far less visible in the curriculum than white women.    Both the process and the results of a Ford Foundation funded project are presented here in a format that allows browsing and promotes reading straight through. The volume is divided into three major sections, the first of which highlights the actual process of faculty transformation and administrative support essential to curricular changes as it occurred on two of the participating campuses, U.C.L.A. and George Washington University. Extensive multidisciplinary faculty development syllabi are provided.    Section Two conatins 37 tran

Publisher: Feminist Press at CUNY
Publish Date: 1994

Subjects: Education / Higher, Literary Collections / Essays

This book is available in the following Community Centers: Women's Center (Location: Women in Academia)