Sexual Harassment
High School Girls Speak Out
Author: June Larkin
ISBN: 9780929005652
Girls are harassed in high schools every day. And no-one seems to be doing much about the problem. In this riveting expose, former teacher June Larkin details how girls are harassed by males in schools. Based on firsthand interviews with teenage girls, she paints a frightening picture of how sexual harassment is part of daily high school life. She also charges the education system with complicity, demonstrating that administrators, educators and officials often reinforce the problem by simply ignoring the situation. Comprehensive and revealing, Sexual Harassment: High School Girls Speak Out evaluates the long-term effects of harassment on girls and on boys. As long as harassment remains a fact of school life, Larkin argues, equal opportunity in education will remain unrealized.
Publisher: Second Story Press
Publish Date: 1994
Subjects: Education / Teaching Methods & Materials / General
This book is available in the following Community Centers: Women's Center (Location: Sexual Assault/Harassment)