The Thin Book of Naming Elephants
How to Surface Undiscussables for Greater Organizational Success
Author: Sue Annis Hammond
Secondary Author: Andrea B. Mayfield
ISBN: 9780966537352
Publisher Provided Annotation There's an elephant in the room that everyone knows about but no one is acknowledging. The elephant is implicit and undiscussable and lurks in every organization. Everyone talks around the elephant and thinks that everyone else knows about the elephant. However, until the elephant's presence is made explicit, the level of dialogue and therefore the quality of decision-making is limited. Sound familiar? Using NASA's tragic accidents and Enron's bankruptcy as examples of the price of not having open, constructive dialogue, The Thin Book of Naming Elephants shows how great companies create an environment that encourages and listens to input from all levels of the organization.
Publisher: Thin Book Publishing Company
Publish Date: 2004
Subjects: Nature / Animals / General
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