Surviving Ophelia
Mothers Share Their Wisdom in Navigating the Tumultuous Teenage Years
Author: Cheryl Dellasega
ISBN: 9780345455383
Why are the teen years fraught with crisis for so many girls? Why do so many mother-daughter relationships deteriorate drastically at this time? When her own teenage daughter began to spiral out of control, therapist Cheryl Dellasega, Ph.D., launched a nationwide search to find answers— and hope. In this inspiring, compassionate book, Dellasega shares the strength and the wisdom of mothers who have seen their daughters through the tumult of adolescence. Drawing on the experiences of scores of mothers and daughters, Dellasega takes a hard look at the lives of girls in crisis—once happy, carefree children who are now struggling with eating disorders, unplanned pregnancies, substance abuse, and severe mental problems. These are stories of girls on the edge, and mothers who are trying everything to save them. Yet even in the most desperate situations, Dellasega hears the same clear message: the key to survival is the support and the understanding of others going through the same thing
Publisher: Ballantine Books
Publish Date: 2002
Subjects: Family & Relationships / Conflict Resolution, Family & Relationships / Parenting / Motherhood, Family & Relationships / Parenting / General
This book is available in the following Community Centers: Women's Center (Location: Parenting)