Mama, PhD
Women Write about Motherhood and Academic Life
Author: Elrena Evans
Secondary Author: Caroline Grant
ISBN: 9780813543185
Every year, American universities publish glowing reports stating their commitment to diversity, often showing statistics of female hires as proof of success. Yet, although women make up increasing numbers of graduate students, graduate degree recipients, and even new hires, academic life remains overwhelming a man's world. The reality that the statistics fail to highlight is that the presence of women, specifically those with children, in the ranks of tenured faculty has not increased in a generation. Further, those women who do achieve tenure track placement tend to report slow advancement, income disparity, and lack of job satisfaction compared to their male colleagues. Amid these disadvantages, what is a Mama, PhD to do? This literary anthology brings together a selection of deeply felt personal narratives by smart, interesting women who explore the continued inequality of the sexes in higher education and suggest changes that could make universities more family-friendly workplace
Publisher: Rutgers University Press
Publish Date: 2008
Subjects: Education / Higher, Education / Essays, Social Science / Women's Studies
This book is available in the following Community Centers: Women's Center (Location: Parenting)