When Words are Not Enough

The Women's Prescription for Depression and Anxiety

Author: Valerie D. Raskin
ISBN: 9780553067132

One in four women will experience clinical depression, anxiety, or premenstrual depression in her lifetime. The good news is that popular new prescription drugs like  Prozac and Xanax bring much needed relief. The bad news is that many physicians and therapists are unaware of common issues for women. As medical treatment for depression and anxiety has become simpler, more and more general practitioners are prescribing antidepressants, often with little background in the nonmedical alternatives or complex mind-body interactions. Emphasizing women's family roles as well as their unique biological/hormonal sensitivities, Dr. Raskin explains contemporary integrated treatment options. Raskin pays special attention to how birth control, menstrual cycles, childbearing, and menopause impact treatment choices. Raskin empowers women to take an active approach in dealing with common side effects, including weight gain and diminished sexual responsiveness. Using revealing case studies, Raskin

Publisher: Broadway Books
Publish Date: 1997

Subjects: Psychology / Psychopathology / General

This book is available in the following Community Centers: Women's Center (Location: Psychology/Emotional Health)