Friends for Life
Author: Susan Jonas
Secondary Author: Marilyn Nissenson
ISBN: 9780688146733
When authors Susan Jonas and Marilyn Nissenson, each the mother of two daughters in their twenties, looked for a book focusing on the needs, hopes, and wishes of mothers of adult daughters, they couldn't find one. So they wrote it. Friends for Life is based on interviews with more than one hundred mothers who shared how they're coping with their daughters' choices of partner, career, and lifestyle. They reflected on their relationships with their own mothers, and on their expectations for how their relationships with their daughters might grow.With consultation from Dr. Kathy Weingarten, clinical psychologist and assistant professor of psychology at Harvard Medical School, and other professionals, the authors present these intensely personal stories in a context that will help mothers communicate their thoughts and feelings more effectively during these crucial years when their daughters are becoming adults.
Publisher: HarperCollins
Publish Date: 1997-04-23
Subjects: Family & Relationships / Family Relationships, Family & Relationships / General
This book is available in the following Community Centers: Women's Center (Location: Parenting)