Strong, Smart, & Bold

Empowering Girls for Life (Foreword by Jane Fonda)

Author: Carla Fine
ISBN: 9780060957476

The pressures a girl experiences growing up today are more intense than ever before. There are gender stereotypes to buck. Narrow expectations to contend with. Conflicting messages to make sense of. A girl is told that it's important to excel in school and pursue a career but that she should also keep her voice down, watch her weight, and make sure that everyone else around her is happy.Strong, Smart, and Bold shows parents and caregivers how to raise a confident, courageous, and self-sufficient girl. Based on the successful approach of Girls Inc., the nation's leading empowerment organization for girls -- which improves the lives of girls through its programs, research, and advocacy -- the book offers proven techniques and compelling success stories to bring out a girl's spirit as early as possible and to give her the self-assurance she needs to thrive in an increasingly complex and pressured world. Strong, Smart, and Bold presents interactive activities that will help equip a girl wi

Publisher: HarperCollins
Publish Date: 2001-03-06

Subjects: Family & Relationships / Parenting / General, Psychology / General, Self-Help / Personal Growth / Self-Esteem

This book is available in the following Community Centers: Women's Center (Location: Parenting)