
How to Survive Without Feeling Frustrated, Left Out, Or Wicked

Author: Cherie Burns
ISBN: 9780609807446

If you’re one of the more than 15 million stepmothers in the country, you know the particular trials—and joys—of stepfamily dynamics today. You wonder if you’re doing the right thing and, as a stepmother, many of your specific questions are unique. In this second edition of Stepmotherhood: How to Survive Without Feeling Frustrated, Left Out, or Wicked, journalist and stepmother Cherie Burns brings together countless insights and sound advice, based on the latest research and interviews with experts in the field (including dozens of other stepmoms), to answer questions such as: • How do you manage discipline when parents and stepparents disagree? • How can you help stepsiblings get along? • How do you handle birthdays, holidays, and weddings? • What’s the best way to get along with your stepchild’s mother? • When should you seek a therapist’s help? Burns’s wise and empathetic suggestions go beyond struggle, stigma, and compromise, showing how sensitive, infor

Publisher: Three Rivers Press
Publish Date: 2001

Subjects: Family & Relationships / Parenting / Motherhood, Family & Relationships / Parenting / Stepparenting

This book is available in the following Community Centers: Women's Center (Location: Parenting)