Representations of Motherhood

Author: Donna Bassin
Secondary Author: Margaret Honey
ISBN: 9780300068634

Offering new perspectives on motherhood, distinguished contributors from a variety of fields focus on the importance of seeing the mother as a subject, a person in her own right, by looking at the complex issue of how motherhood is represented. Contributors seek to understand the impact of culturally constructed images of motherhood in art, film, literature, and the social and behavioral sciences; they dignify the craft of motherhood, viewing maternal work as an experience grounded in social and political realities; and they probe conscious and unconscious maternal experience. From their several perspectives, contributors view the maternal subject as one who can give voice to her own experience and both appropriate and resist representations of motherhood.

Publisher: Yale University Press
Publish Date: 1996

Subjects: Social Science / Women's Studies

This book is available in the following Community Centers: Women's Center (Location: Parenting)