Gonzales/Rodriguez Uncut & Uncensored

Author: Patrisia Gonzales
Secondary Author: Roberto Rodríguez
ISBN: 9780918520227

This compilation of the bold and articulate insights of the only Chicano husband and wife team of newspaper columnists is a chronicle of the Chicano/Latino experience in the 1990s. The authors write a weekly column, Latino Spectrum, distributed by Chronicle Features in San Francisco, giving their own views on issues of the day. Their vision is considered radical and many times their column is edited or cut. Whether exposing governmental abuses of the census or congressional bills designed to take away the rights of immigrants, Gonzales and Rodriguez never pull any punches. This book contains 52 columns as the authors intended them to be read.

Publisher: Ethnic Studies Library Publications Unit, University of California at Berkeley
Publish Date: 1997


This book is available in the following Community Centers: Cross-Cultural Center (Location: Literature/ Novel (LITR))