The Israelis

Ordinary People in an Extraordinary Land

Author: Donna Rosenthal
ISBN: 9780684869728

Israel. It looks like one country on CNN, a very different one on al-Jazeera. The BBC has its version, The New York Times theirs. But how does Israel Israelis? Who are these people who order Big Macs in the language of the Ten Commandments? Are they the sabras -- native-born Israelis -- who believe that only sissies wait in line and obey No Parking signs? Are they the dreadlock-wearing Ethiopian immigrants who sing reggae in Hebrew? The inventors who've devised the world's most popular computer chips and the latest cancer treatments? The Christians in Nazareth who publish an Arabic-style Cosmo? They live with exploding buses, but their youth are also the world's biggest MTV fans, a generation whose heroes are not generals but former soldiers who have built the world's second Silicon Valley. In The Israelis, you'll meet the third wife of a fifty-six-year-old Bedouin who watches Oprah; ultra-Orthodox Jews on "Modesty Patrols" making certain that religious women bus passenge

Publisher: Simon and Schuster
Publish Date: 2003

Subjects: History / Middle East / Israel & Palestine, Political Science / General, Social Science / Ethnic Studies / General, Social Science / Jewish Studies

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