Black British Cultural Studies

A Reader

Author: Houston A. Baker
Secondary Author: Manthia Diawara
ISBN: 9780226144825

Black British Cultural Studies has attracted significant attention recently in the American academy both as a model for cultural studies generally and as a corrective to reigning constructions of Blackness within African-American studies. This anthology offers the first book-length selection of writings by key figures in this field. From Stuart Hall's classic study of racially structured societies to an interview by Manthia Diawara with Sonia Boyce, a leading figure in the Black British arts movement, the papers included here have transformed cultural studies through their sustained focus on the issue of race. Much of the book centers on Black British arts, especially film, ranging from a historical overview of Black British cinema to a weighing of the costly burden on Black artists of representing their communities. Other essays consider such topics as race and representation and colonial and postcolonial discourse. This anthology will be an invaluable and timely resource for everyo

Publisher: University of Chicago Press
Publish Date: 1996

Subjects: History / Europe / Great Britain, Social Science / Ethnic Studies / African American Studies, Social Science / Anthropology / Cultural & Social

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