Mixed Race Students in College

The Ecology of Race, Identity, and Community on Campus

Author: Kristen A. Renn
ISBN: 9780791461648

“It’s kind of an odd thing, really, because it’s not like I’m one or the other, or like I fit here or there, but I kind of also fit everywhere. And nowhere. All at once. You know?” — Florence“My racial identity, I would have to say, is multiracial. I am of the future. I believe there is going to come a day when a very, very large majority of everybody in the world is going to be mixed with more than one race. It’s going to be multiracial for everybody. Everybody and their mother!” — Jack

Publisher: SUNY Press
Publish Date: 2004-07-15

Subjects: Education / Higher, Education / Student Life & Student Affairs, Social Science / Ethnic Studies / General

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