Work, Love, and Play When No One Has the Time
Author: Brigid Schulte
ISBN: 9780374228446
Can working parents in America—or anywhere—ever find true leisure time?According to the Leisure Studies Department at the University of Iowa, true leisure is "that place in which we realize our humanity." If that's true, argues Brigid Schulte, then we're doing dangerously little realizing of our humanity. In Overwhelmed, Schulte, a staff writer for The Washington Post, asks: Are our brains, our partners, our culture, and our bosses making it impossible for us to experience anything but "contaminated time"? Schulte first asked this question in a 2010 feature for The Washington Post Magazine: "How did researchers compile this statistic that said we were rolling in leisure—over four hours a day? Did any of us feel that we actually had downtime? Was there anything useful in their research—anything we could do?" Overwhelmed is a map of the stresses that have ripped our leisure to shreds, and a look at how to put the pieces back together. Schulte speaks to neuroscientists, sociologis
Publisher: Macmillan
Publish Date: 2014-03-11
Subjects: Business & Economics / Workplace Culture, Business & Economics / Women in Business, Social Science / Sociology / Marriage & Family, Social Science / Women's Studies
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