There is a River

The Black Struggle for Freedom in America

Author: Vincent Harding
ISBN: 9780156890892

A great black river surges in opposition to the powerful currents of slavery and racism: This is black history--American history--boldly and triumphantly redefined by Vincent Harding. From an unflinchingly black perspective, Harding writes of the well-known members of the struggle--Nat Turner, Frederick Douglass, Sojourner Truth, Harriet Tubman--and the anonymous as well. 24 pages of photos.

Publisher: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
Publish Date: 1981

Subjects: History / United States / General, Political Science / Civil Rights, Social Science / Ethnic Studies / African American Studies

This book is available in the following Community Centers: Cross-Cultural Center (Location: Black/African American (BLCK))