A Treasury of Afro-American Folklore
The Oral Literature, Traditions, Recollections, Legends, Tales, Songs, Religious Beliefs, Customs, Sayings, and Humor of Peoples of African Descent in the Americas
Author: Harold Courlander
ISBN: 9781569248119
Afro-American Folklore, as seen in this collection, includes a wide array of orally transmitted traditions of the numerous, sometimes disparate, Negro cultures of the New World. Among these traditions are tales of scoundrels, heroes, rollicking adventures, friendship, and much more: songs, myths, myth-legends, epic-like narrations, and recollections of historical happenings. There are descriptions of cult life, around which many traditions and beliefs flow; of music and dance, which have an integral connection with traditional ways; and of the social scene in places where African and European, or white and black ideas intermingled and became Afro-American. A Treasury of Afro-American Folklore perceives the interconnections of cultural inheritances throughout the Afro-American region and the local divergences as well. Early sections of the book survey the traditions and oral literature of Spanish, French, and English-speaking islands of the Caribbean, and of areas of Central and South A
Publisher: Marlowe
Publish Date: 2002-12
Subjects: Fiction / Fairy Tales, Folk Tales, Legends & Mythology, Social Science / Ethnic Studies / African American Studies, Social Science / Folklore & Mythology
This book is available in the following Community Centers: Cross-Cultural Center (Location: Black/African American (BLCK))