Voices of Freedom

An Oral History of the Civil Rights Movement from the 1950s Through the 1980s

Author: Henry Hampton
Secondary Author: Steve Fayer
ISBN: 0553352326

In this monumental volume, Henry Hampton, creator and executive producer of the acclaimed PBS series Eyes on the Prize, and Steve Fayer, series writer, draw upon nearly one thousand interviews with civil rights activists, politicians, reporters, Justice Department officials, and hundreds of ordinary people who took part in the struggle, weaving a fascinating narrative of the civil rights movement told by the people who lived it. Join brave and terrified youngsters walking through a jeering mob and up the steps of Central High School in Little Rock. Listen to the vivid voices of the ordinary people who manned the barricades, the laborers, the students, the housewives without whom there would have been no civil rights movements at all. This remarkable oral history brings to life country's great struggle for civil rights as no conventional narrative can. You will hear the voices of those who defied the blackjacks, who went to jail, who witnessed and policed the movement; of those who st

Publisher: Bantam Books
Publish Date: 1991

Subjects: History / General, History / United States / 20th Century, Political Science / Civil Rights, Social Science / Ethnic Studies / African American Studies, Social Science / Discrimination & Race Relations

This book is available in the following Community Centers: Cross-Cultural Center (Location: Black/African American (BLCK))