How Real is Race?
A Sourcebook on Race, Culture, and Biology
Author: Carol Chapnick Mukhopadhyay
Secondary Author: Rosemary C. Henze
ISBN: 1578865611
A second edition of this sourcebook is now available. How Real is Race? brings together biological and cultural information to help people make sense of the contradictory messages about race in the U.S. and elsewhere. How real is race? Or rather, in what sense is race real? What is biological fact and fiction? Where does culture enter? And what does it really mean to say that race is a 'social construction'? If race is an invention, who invented it? Why? For what ends? And can we eliminate it if we wish to? These are the key questions that frame this book. With accessible, clear language and suggested teaching activities in every chapter, it is designed as a sourcebook for anyone interested in addressing the questions above.
Publisher: Rowman & Littlefield Education
Publish Date: 2007
Subjects: Education / Multicultural Education, Education / Reference, Education / Research
This book is available in the following Community Centers: Cross-Cultural Center (Location: Sociology (SOCI))