Introducing Cultural Studies
Author: Ziauddin Sardar
Secondary Author: Borin Van Loon
ISBN: 9781840460742
'Introducing Cultural Studies' provides an incisive tour through the minefield of this complex subject, charting its origins in Britain and its migration to the USA, Canada, France, Australia and South Asia, examining the ideas of its leading exponents and providing a flavour of its use around the world. Covering the ground from Gramsci to Raymond Williams, post-colonial discourse to the politics of diaspora, feminism to queer theory and techno-culture, the media to globalization, it serves as al guide to the essential concepts of this fascinating area of study.
Publisher: Icon
Publish Date: 1999
Subjects: Reference / General
This book is available in the following Community Centers: Cross-Cultural Center (Location: Sociology (SOCI))