American Diversity, American Identity

The Lives and Works of 145 Writers who Define the American Experience

Author: John K. Roth
ISBN: 9780805034301

"American diversity is found not only in ethnicity but also in history, regionalism, and lifestyle. And it is in America's literature that this diversity is best represented and most often studied. American Diversity, American Identity is the first major reference to focus on the writers whose lives and works quintessentially define the various facets of American life." "The essays are written by scholars and provide a wealth of information on each author, including a biography, achievements, analysis of his or her work, and a bibliography, illustrating how the life and the work represent the diversity of the American Experience."--BOOK JACKET.Title Summary field provided by Blackwell North America, Inc. All Rights Reserved

Publisher: Holt
Publish Date: 1995


This book is available in the following Community Centers: Cross-Cultural Center (Location: U.S. History and Identity (USHI))