Making Face, Making Soul/Haciendo Caras

Creative and Critical Perspectives by Feminists of Color

Author: Gloria Anzaldúa
ISBN: 1879960109

A bold collection of creative pieces and theoretical essays by women of color. New thought and new dialogue: a book that will teach in the most multiple sense of that word: a book that will be of lasting value to many diverse communities of women as well as to students from those communities. The authors explore a full spectrum of present concerns in over seventy pieces that vary from writing by new talents to published pieces by Audre Lorde, Joy Harjo, Norma Alarcón and Trinh T. Minh-ha."At one level or another, all the work in the collection seeks to find ways to understand and articulate our multiple identities and senses of place….Making Face/Making Soul is an exciting collection of dynamic, important writings that all women of color and white feminists will learn from, enjoy, and return to again and again and again."—Sojourner"...the pieces are stunning in what they risk and reveal..."—The San Francisco Chronicle

Publisher: Aunt Lute Books
Publish Date: 1990

Subjects: American literature, Feminism and literature, Feminism/ Literary collections, Feminism, Minority women/ Literary collections, Minority women, Women/ United States/ Literary collections, Education / Multicultural Education, Literary Collections / American / General, Literary Criticism / Feminist, Literary Criticism / Women Authors, Social Science / Minority Studies, Social Science / Women's Studies, Social Science / Feminism & Feminist Theory

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