Illegal People

How Globalization Creates Migration and Criminalizes Immigrants

Author: David Bacon
ISBN: 9780807042267

For two decades veteran photojournalist David Bacon has documented the connections between labor, migration, and the global economy. In Illegal People Bacon explores the human side of globalization, exposing the many ways it uproots people in Latin America and Asia, driving them to migrate. At the same time, U.S. immigration policy makes the labor of those displaced people a crime in the United States. Illegal People explains why our national policy produces even more displacement, more migration, more immigration raids, and a more divided, polarized society.Through interviews and on-the-spot reporting from both impoverished communities abroad and American immigrant workplaces and neighborhoods, Bacon shows how the United States’ trade and economic policy abroad, in seeking to create a favorable investment climate for large corporations, creates conditions to displace communities and set migration into motion. Trade policy and immigration are intimately linked, Bacon argues, and are,

Publisher: Beacon Press
Publish Date: 2008

Subjects: Law / Emigration & Immigration, Political Science / Labor & Industrial Relations, Political Science / Globalization, Social Science / Emigration & Immigration

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