Project Lives

New York Public Housing Residents Photograph Their World

Author: George Carrano
Secondary Author: Chelsea Davis
ISBN: 9781576877371

For a generation, tabloids, television, and Hollywood have defined the public image of New Yorkers who live in the city's 334 housing projects. Focusing on crime, disrepair, and other ills that afflict these islands of red brick, such portrayals ironically have made it all too easy for government to reduce the support these projects have relied on since their birth some eighty years ago. And so conditions worsen further yet, as the buildings try to soldier on past their useful life, at times crumbling around the 400,000+ tenants. What if these New Yorkers had the tools and training to document their own lives? And the opportunity to share the result? Project Lives takes you on a remarkable journey into a world turned inside out, where the camera's subject becomes the storyteller. Participatory photography--of which this collection marks one of the largest efforts anywhere--approaches a new visual medium, a universal language speaking across borders and cultures. By using their singl

Publisher: powerHouse Cultural Entertainment, Incorporated
Publish Date: 2015

Subjects: Photography / Photoessays & Documentaries, Social Science / Sociology / Urban

This book is available in the following Community Centers: Raza Recource Centro (Location: Wall B, Shelf 1)