Cycles of Conquest
The Impact of Spain, Mexico, and the United States on the Indians of the Southwest, 1533-1960
Author: Edward Holland Spicer
ISBN: 0816500215
CONTENTS INTRODUCTION - CULTURAL FRONTIERSThe Overlapping Conquests of North AmericaThe Indians of Northwestern New Spain About 1600The Rancheria PeoplesThe Village PeoplesThe Band PeoplesNonagricultural BandsReactions to Conquest PART I - THE FLOW OF HISTORY: EVENTS OF CONTACTIntroductionChapter One - Tarahumaras Chapter Two - Mayos and YaquisChapter Three - Lower Pimas and OpatasChapter Four - SerisChapter Five - Upper PimasChapter Six - Eastern Pueblos Chapter Seven - Western PueblosChapter Eight - Navajos Chapter Nine - Western ApachesChapter Ten - Yumans PART II - THE FRAMEWORK OF CONTACT: PROGRAMS FOR CIVILIZATIONIntroductionChapter Eleven -The Spanish ProgramThe Culture of the ConquestThe Frontier Institutions: "The Mission Community, The Spanish Town"The Conflicts in Spanish CultureBearers of Spanish Culture Techniques of Culture Transfer Changes in the Spanish Program Chapter Twelve -The Mexican Program Chapter Thirteen -The Anglo -American Program Historical Bases of Anglo P
Publisher: University of Arizona Press
Publish Date: 1962
Subjects: History / Native American, History / United States / State & Local / General
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