Race and Retail

Consumption Across the Color Line

Author: Mia Bay
Secondary Author: Ann Fabian
ISBN: 9780813571706

Race has long shaped shopping experiences for many Americans. Retail exchanges and establishments have made headlines as flashpoints for conflict not only between blacks and whites, but also between whites, Mexicans, Asian Americans, and a wide variety of other ethnic groups, who have at times found themselves unwelcome at white-owned businesses.  Race and Retail documents the extent to which retail establishments, both past and present, have often catered to specific ethnic and racial groups. Using an interdisciplinary approach, the original essays collected here explore selling and buying practices of nonwhite populations around the world and the barriers that shape these habits, such as racial discrimination, food deserts, and gentrification. The contributors highlight more contemporary issues by raising questions about how race informs business owners’ ideas about consumer demand, resulting in substandard quality and higher prices for minorities than in predominantly white neig

Publisher: Rutgers University Press
Publish Date: 2015-08-04

Subjects: Business & Economics / Consumer Behavior, Social Science / Ethnic Studies / General, Social Science / Discrimination & Race Relations

This book is available in the following Community Centers: Cross-Cultural Center (Location: Economics (ECON))