Building on Resilience
Models and Frameworks of Black Male Success Across the P-20 Pipeline
Author: Fred A. Bonner
ISBN: 9781579229627
How do we fix the leaky educational pipeline into a conduit of success for Black males? That the issue is critical is demonstrated by the statistics that only 10% of Black males in the United States are proficient in 8th grade reading, only 52% graduate from high school within four years, and only 35 percent graduate from college. This book uniquely examines the trajectory of Black males through the educational pipeline from pre-school through college. In doing so it not only contributes significantly to the scholarship on the experiences of this population, but bridges the gap between theory and practice to provide frameworks and models that will improve these young men's educational outcomes throughout their educational journeys. A compelling feature of the book is that that it does not treat Black males as homogeneous, but recognizes the diversity that exists among Black males in various educational settings. It demonstrates the need to recognize students' intersectionalities and
Publisher: Stylus Publishing
Publish Date: 2014
Subjects: Education / Higher, Education / Multicultural Education, Education / Student Life & Student Affairs
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