Strange Affinities
The Gender and Sexual Politics of Comparative Racialization
Author: Grace Kyungwon Hong
Secondary Author: Roderick A. Ferguson
ISBN: 9780822349853
Representing some of the most exciting work in critical ethnic studies, the essays in this collection examine the production of racialized, gendered, and sexualized difference, and the possibilities for progressive coalitions, or the “strange affinities,†afforded by nuanced comparative analyses of racial formations. The nationalist and identity-based concepts of race underlying the mid-twentieth-century movements for decolonization and social change are not adequate to the tasks of critiquing the racial configurations generated by neocolonialism and contesting its inequities. Contemporary regimes of power produce racialized, gendered, and sexualized violence and labor exploitation, and they render subjects redundant and disposable by creating new, nominally nonracialized categories of privilege and stigma. The editors of Strange Affinities contend that the greatest potential for developing much-needed alternative comparative methods lies in women of color feminism, and the related
Publisher: Duke University Press
Publish Date: 2011-08-24
Subjects: Social Science / Ethnic Studies / African American Studies, Social Science / Feminism & Feminist Theory, Social Science / LGBT Studies / Gay Studies, Social Science / Gender Studies
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