The Silk Road
A Novel
Author: Jane Summer
ISBN: 9781555835491
Traveling The Silk Road: an interview with author Jane Summer""Adults have forgotten the feel of a teenager's love. For you a teenager will walk through glass doors, stay awake three days in a row, be an angel standing under your window in the rain. So what that we don't know how to order from the butcher or apply foundation or insert a diaphragm? Show us.""So advises Paige Bergman, a high school student who falls in love with housewife Fiona Gallagher in Jane Summer's lyrical debut novel, The Silk Road. Part dark comedy, part suburban epic, the book, set in the 1970s, hitches along with Paige as she explores her obsessions for fast cars, all things morose, and the search for one astonishing true love."Lesbianism, self-mutilation, intergenerational relationships, adultery, madness--these are some of the topics you address. Not your typical coming-of-age novel. Were there any roadblocks in getting it published?"When my agent began shopping "The Silk Road" around, many of my straight fri
Publisher: Alyson
Publish Date: 2000
Subjects: Fiction / LGBT / Lesbian
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