Change Management

The People Side of Change

Author: Jeffrey M. Hiatt
Secondary Author: Timothy J. Creasey
ISBN: 9781930885615

Change management is the missing piece that takes good ideas and turns them into business success. This book is not only a solid introduction to the discipline of change management, but is the primer to catalyze change leadership and competency in your organization. The responsibility for creating competencies to manage and lead change does not rest solely with HR, but lies within all management, right to the seat of the CEO. Change Management is a practical look at what it means to manage the people side of change.

Publisher: Prosci Learning Center Publications
Publish Date: 2012

Subjects: Business & Economics / Development / Business Development, Business & Economics / Leadership, Business & Economics / Organizational Development

This book is available in the following Community Centers: Cross-Cultural Center (Location: Reference)