Between Good and Ghetto

African American Girls and Inner-city Violence

Author: Nikki Jones
ISBN: 9780813546155

"Nikki Jones's sharp, detailed investigation of the way fighting, on the street and in school, shapes the lives of young African American women combines shrewd analytical insight and clear evocative language to give readers an understanding of what it costs a 'good girl' to stay good, and what happens to those who 'go for bad.'" -Howard S. Becker, author of Outsiders and Writing for Social Scientists "This book adds invaluable information and analysis to the growing debate on the violence perpetrated by girls, and the ethnographic method is exactly what is needed to further the question of whether today's girls-particularly those most marginalized due to class, race, and neighborhood-are more violent." -Joanne Belknap, author of The Invisible Woman: Gender, Crime & Justice With an outward gaze focused on a better future, Between Good and Ghetto reflects the social world of inner-city African American girls and how they manage threats of personal violence. Nikki Jones gives readers a ri

Publisher: Rutgers University Press
Publish Date: 2010

Subjects: Social Science / Ethnic Studies / African American Studies, Social Science / Criminology, Social Science / Sociology / General, Social Science / Sociology / Urban, Social Science / Children's Studies, Social Science / Violence in Society

This book is available in the following Community Centers: Women's Center (Location: African-American/Black Studies)